Formosa Optical CTR Exceeds Industry Benchmark by 40% with Creative Layouts

Want more exposure and build favorability with creative ads? TenMax helped Formosa Optical to target audience in the “Women’s Fashion” category using the Mobile Footer_Hide and Seek layout, resulting in a CTR that exceeded industry benchmark by 40%!
Brand Story|Formosa Optical: Taiwan’s Largest Optical Retailer
Founded in 1976, Formosa Optical is Taiwan’s largest optical retailer with 350 service locations. Specializing in the research and development, design, production and sales of eyewear, Formosa Optical aims to be the consumers’ one-stop location that offers high-quality eyewear and optometry services. Having expanded its operations in the APAC region such as China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Australia, Formosa Optical has also been actively expanding its online channels and services in recent years to better serve its customers. 
Goals|Increase brand exposure and CTR with attractive ad space
Formosa Optical launched the “Extreme Comfort” eyewear series in 2023 that is both lightweight, functional and stylish. Leveraging TenMax’s domain targeting technology and attractive creative layouts, Formosa Optical seeks to increase brand exposure and brand awareness to attract new customers who are looking for stylish and comfortable eyewear.
Solution|Targeting the right domain to enhance creative layout’s effectiveness
To increase Formosa Optical’s brand awareness and attract high-value audiences to click on the ads, TenMax used domain targeting technology and Rich Media ads to optimize ad relevance with web content to reach potential audiences and optimize click results.

a. Targeting website categories for precise ad delivery to attract key customer groups

For this campaign, TenMax’s website category targeting technology analyzed and divided each domain into 25+ themes, then match the brand and product with these themes to increase the ad’s relevance with web content. To promote Formosa Optical’s slim, lightweight and fashionable eyewear, we targeted “Women’s Fashion” and “News” primarily for higher exposure, gaining click-through rates which outperformed industry benchmark, while ad delivery to other domains were to reach a wider pool of potential audience.

b. Displaying brand image and product’s USPs with Mobile Footer_Hide and Seek 

This campaign used the popular Mobile Footer_Hide and Seek layout, a less intrusive creative layout that offers consumers a smooth browsing experience and ensures effective display of brand information to capture consumers’ attention and increase mindshare with an interstitial image.


Outcome|CTR of ads on women’s fashion category overperform by 40%
The combination of domain targeting and creative layouts achieved an outstanding CTR of 5.7%. The clicks of “Women’s Fashion” and “News” domains recorded a new high at 6.99%, outperforming the industry benchmark by 40%.
Insights|Successfully reached fashionable consumers, 60% are females
  • Gender
60% of this campaign’s audience are females, which matches the fashion accessories consumer group.
  • Age
The majority of this campaign’s audience consists of adults aged 35-54 with sufficient spending power looking for stylish, comfortable eyewear, accounting for 79% of this campaign’s audience; while the second largest audience are represented by young, trendy and fashionable consumers aged 25-34.
  • Interests
Among the targeted interests, “Fashion Accessories” had the largest audience, others include “Home Appliances” and “News”. Formosa Optical’s ads were able to gain an outstanding CTR by delivering ads of the new, lightweight eyewear series to the appropriate consumer group with the most relevant interests.


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