TenMax Named As Vietnam’s Top 10 Marketing Solution Provider

TenMax Ad Tech Lab has been named by MMA SMARTIES Business Index as one of Vietnam’s TOP 10 Marketing Solution Providers for the year 2020.

TAIPEI, TPE, Jul 2021 – TenMax Ad Tech Lab has been listed as Vietnam’s Top 10 Modern Marketing Solution Providers in 2020 by MMA SMARTIES Business Index, placing them among the ranks of the best such as Google, Facebook and YouTube.  
Conceived together with WARC, the MMA SMARTIES Business Index, a division of MMA’s SMARTIES Awards program, is the world’s revered and only gold standard of recognizing, ranking and awarding the marketing industry’s crème de la crème that have created significant business impact through modern marketing.   
Entering Vietnam in 2017, TenMax has made a notable mark in the Vietnamese marketing industry within a span of just 4 years.  After bagging the MMA SMARTIES Silver Award in the Banner & Rich Media Advertising category in 2020, the  acknowledged as one the top 10 marketing solution providers in Vietnam recently, as well as being appointed as official partners of TikTok and TotallyAwesome this year, TenMax has  proven itself to be one of the region’s top players.
“We strongly believe that the future of marketing is a collaborative effort between human and technology. This award is a recognition of our team’s efforts, product and core philosophy, which is to constantly deliver value to our clients and help their business achieve growth through innovative technologies.” said Jeremy Lin, Regional Business Director of TenMax. “Thank you MMA for bestowing us with this prestigious honor. It is a confidence boost for us to keep innovating and be at the top of our game.”  

About TenMax

Established in 2015, TenMax Ad Tech Lab is a subsidiary under the funP Innovation Group corporate umbrella that specializes in RTB Advertising Technology, with an international presence in 5 different countries and counting. As Asia’s leading innovator in digital advertising technology with profound expertise in ad tech and strong devotion to creating an integrated digital advertising ecosystem, TenMax has developed several groundbreaking technologies to help brands communicate better with their target audiences such as PPStudio, which earned TenMax the 2020 MMA APAC SMARTIES Silver Award in the Banner & Rich Media Advertising category.

About APAC SMARTIES Business Index

The MMA SMARTIES Business Index is the first and only global modern marketing index that identifies, ranks and awards top agencies, advertisers, brands and solution providers driving significant business impact. Employing proprietary methodology developed in collaboration with WARC, the global authority on advertising and media effectiveness, it compiles the rankings using finalist and winner data from the awards programs across the globe to recognize the best of the best in the industry. For more information, please visit www.mmaglobal.com/smarties.

About MMA

The MMA(Mobile Marketing Association) is an association comprising of more than 800-member companies globally with 15 regional offices that aims to bring together the full ecosystem of marketers, martech and media companies working collaboratively to architect the future and growth of marketing. Committed to science and questioning, MMA believes that creating marketing impact is steeped in constructively challenging the status quo encouraging business leaders to aggressively adopt proven, peer-driven and scientific best practices, without compromise. MMA also invests heavily in rigorous research to enlighten, empower and enable marketers, to help shape the future of success and propel business growth.


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