Mother’s Day Special: 3 Stages and 10 Layouts to Achieving Success On Mother’s Day

Why is Mother’s Day Such An Important Occasion?
Mother’s Day is a $1.6 billion business opportunity in Taiwan, averaging $200 worth of spending per person, and Mother’s Day shopping craze shows no sign of slowing down, only growing stronger each year. 2022’s Google search trends shows an incremental growth of 47% compared to the previous year, and shopping searches usually begins around end of March. This is an unmissable opportunity for brands, so marketing plans have to be made in advance. While Mother’s Day is an occasion for children to shower their mothers with gifts, it is also an opportune moment for women to pamper themselves. Statistics have shown that self-pampering accounts for 70% of Mother’s Day shopping, and 65% of Mother’s Day spending come from ladies. A major hint that brands should target this huge business opportunity!
Why Use Rich Media Creatives on Mother’s Day?
Ladies have shown to have a longer shopping journey with diverse channels to obtain information. In each of stage of the consumer’s journey: “Awareness”, “Consideration” and “Conversion”, Rich Media has been proven to deliver outstanding results. Studies indicated that 30% of women clicked on an ad because of its attractive visuals and 26% of consumers were inspired by an ad format’s novelty to learn more about the ad’s content! TenMax has curated the top 10 creative layouts and success stories to help you grow your brand on Mother’s Day.
Download this guide now and learn more about:
  1. The Top 5 Shopping Trends and Insights on Mother’s Day 
  2. The Marketing Essentials for The Top 3 Categories of Mother’s Day
  3. The Best Performing Texts & Visuals for A Mother’s Day Ad
  4. Mother’s Day 3-Stage Strategy & 10 Creative Ad Success Stories


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