TenMax Announced as PChome Ads’ First Official Sales Partner, Pioneering a New Era for Retail Media in Taiwan

TenMax is thrilled to announce its partnership with PChome Online as PChome Ads’ first official retail media sales partner. This collaboration marks a pivotal moment for Taiwan’s e-commerce and retail media landscape.
As the leading ad tech company in Taiwan, TenMax has a strong track record of leveraging technology and data to boost advertising sales and optimization. PChome recognizes this expertise, expecting that together they will create significant value for advertisers in the realm of retail media.
PChome 24h is one of Taiwan’s largest e-commerce platforms, attracting a broad consumer base, particularly individuals aged 25 to 45, who are known for their purchasing power and preference for online shopping. Advertisers using PChome Ads can easily set their budgets, timelines, target audiences, and keywords, making it simple to run advertising campaigns through a programmatic bidding system.
Jeremy Lin, TenMax’s Business Development Director, shared, “As the first sales partner of PChome Ads, we are excited to bring more advertisers onto the platform and help them unlock its potential. We plan to host various advertising seminars and training sessions to support suppliers and advertisers in achieving outstanding results on PChome Ads.”


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