TenMax Premium Native Ads Solution

TenMax Native Ads can help our advertisers create a great brand image and cultivate positive interactions with potential consumers through customized placement design, native environments, and precision targeting.

Premium publishers with high quality inventory

Reach the right consumers with our 90% coverage in display networks in Taiwan.

Customizable for Customers

Our customized native ads can fit seamlessly into any website for better customer engagement.

Friendly Experience for a Friendly Brand Image

Clicks and brand impact from native ads can exceed 3-4 times to that of banner ads.


Native Ads, Made Native

Native ads by TenMax are seamlessly integrated into the publisher’s site and can offer users a better browsing experience.


Backed by Mainstream Media

Our premium native ad display network includes 500+ mainstream media partners. Speaking to consumers through high-quality media translates positively into consumer impression and conversion.


TenMax Video Ads

TenMax Video Ads is available both in-stream and out-stream. We can piece together the scattered footprints of your target audience across video-streaming platforms, news sites, and other mainstream media platforms to ensure that your ads are reaching the right people.

Maximize Awareness

Video ads incorporate audio and visual elements that can appeal to consumers in a memorable way.

Cross-Device & Cross-Platform

In-stream & out-stream ads shown on computers and phones can improve viewer engagement by 2-3 times more.

Premium publishers with high quality inventory

Benefit from our partnerships with every in-stream & out-stream video and media platform in Taiwan. We ensure full coverage so you don’t have to worry about getting exposure.

In-Stream Video Ads

Skippable pre-roll video ads
Get attention, fast

Outstream Video Ads

Seamlessly placed
Uninterrupted browsing experience.

Combo Ads

Full-screen video & images
Positive brand image


Mobile Footer Ads

The TenMax Mobile Footer Ads revolve around the much preferred bottom-of-the-page ads. We develop a variety of creative ad formats that can be placed at the bottom of the page and adopting the Chrome Better Ads Standards to ensure brand exposure.

Creative Creations

Our creative formats can leave positive lasting impressions on users and maximize advertising effects.

High Visibility

Fixed at the bottom-of-the-page to grab user attention.

Brand Safety Guaranteed

Our creative formats comply with the Better Ads Standards by Google and our platform is compatible with third-party monitoring systems

Creative Footers

We can offer a variety of creative footers such as wheel ads, spin ads, and interactive interstitial ads.
These ads can attract consumers and strengthen brand image through better exposure and engagement.

Guaranteed Exposure

Supported by Sizmek, DCM, IAB and other major third-party monitoring platforms to ensure true views. All TenMax comply with the Better Ads Standards by Google so your ads will never be blocked.

Interested in advertising with TenMax? Get in touch with our sales team

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