Traffic to Revenue in a Click

With a strong background in data analysis, we are able to offer a wide range of monetization strategies and earnings optimization channels to increase your website’s traffic and revenue.

TenMax Publisher Tool
Increase Web Traffic & Maximiaze Revenue

Increased Traffic

We offer contextual targeting technologies and content recommendation services so customers keep coming back and help propel your website to new heights.

More Revenue

We use data to paint a comprehensive picture of the user’s online behavior and select from our wide range of advertising formats to create revenue with precision targeting.

No Hidden Costs

Our website traffic management platform is easy and intuitive. Enjoy traffic and revenue growth with support from our professional consulting services.

Creative Ad Serving Platform

The Creative Ad Serving Platform developed by TenMax supports a wide range of ad formats including videos, videos & images, and other creative 3D formats that maximizes every single second of exposure.

Strengthen Brand Image

Choose from our 30+ exclusive ad formats

Captivating Ads

Average CTR effectively increased by 3X-5X

Easy to Use

Creating ads with TenMax is simple, intuitive, and incredibly fast

Global Advertising Standards

Complies with the Better Ads Standards to ensure exposure

Content Recommendation Tool

Kuadio is a content recommendation tool customized for publishers. The Kuadio algorithm is derived from a comprehensive understanding of reader preference through machine learning. The tool can attract readers to continue reading so as to drive traffic and revenue growth through increased page views.

Personalization Driven by Data

Kuadio learns about reading behavior and previous click action through content matching and semantics analysis. The tool will then recommend trending, latest, behavioral-related or content-related articles.

Smart Algorithms

Kuadio will employ machine learning to develop an optimized algorithm based on the types of articles that received the most views and clicks at different times to offer better recommendations.

Content Insight

Kuadio learns about clicks, exposure, and user browsing scenarios through content insight reports. This will help the tool have a better understanding of readers’ browsing preferences and therefore curate high-value content for the readers.

Stunning Performance

Achieve a 25% CTR for recommended content with Kuadio and earn 10% more from website traffic.

Interested in advertising with TenMax? Get in touch with our sales team

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